Wednesday, January 24, 2018

To Finish Off June

In case anyone's wondering how they measure up now:

The big boy himself, sneaking out of church a few minutes early with Daddy on Father's Day...

An apt change of shirt for....

...CARS 3!!!! His long-awaited sequel in his first movie theater.

Goofing around the Rio, after Cars 3 (which was loved by boy and daddy)

First day of Soccer!
They opted to hold hands as they bravely walked off toward Coach Michael

Ninnu cheers for Peter's first goal

The kids quickly learned that Aunt Mini brings way better snacks than Mommy.
And that she brings lots of them to share. 

At Woodley Gardens Park for Grayson's 3rd Birthday Party

Rocking the scarves

Enjoying a little outdoor starbucks w my crazy kids

Morning jam session

Princess Anna the Rockstar

MedImmune Company Picnic Fun

First real climbing wall

Showing 'em how it's done

The winning rats' nest. Nigh daily. 

Now that he can read, he always knows what the future holds. 

Bedtime goofs.
(did you catch the pajama split?)

My best kids

Mama's first french braid attempt. 

Swim lesson on a too-cool day. But aren't they cute snuggling?!

Here we are, about to see Aunt Lena get married!

I have surprisingly few pics from the day (and regretfully none of the bride and groom--need to track some down!), but here are my dates chillin' at the reception

A lovely sister of the bride, one of my oldest and dearest friends

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