Thursday, August 4, 2016

Most of May

In May, it was...apparently still a bit chilly. 

But always good weather for a Starbucks date with my BFFs.

Looking sharp in the boots

My little bookworm. A heartwarming scene. 

Favorites from a playground day

From one of our most rewarding mundane errand day detours

Here they are traced on a giant sheet of paper, and here in the flesh practicing their PB&Js

Handsome Newsie

Making zoodles (zucchini noodles) 

This one loves that zucchini core. Waste not, want not.

Learning about other nations at our church's "Around the World" kids' event. Here making drums at "China" 

He's trying to have fun, with a busted lip and scraped up face from a nasty fall a couple hours earlier on the way in to church.

Mirror, mirror on the screen, who's got the toughest lip I've seen?

Rice. Never gets old. For them. 

But this is better. The foam block pit at the gymnastics training center.

Small Group Dinner--love these guys! 

Little Meticulousa

 Kids' first bubble tea. 

And something very nice happened this Spring...

...I started really enjoying our trips to the library. Until lately, Anna hadn't quite hit her library stride. Nowhere did this sweet little girl better exemplify the proverbial bull in the china shop than in the library. If turned loose, I could hardly keep up with her serial book interest-noninterest-littering trail of destruction. But now, even though you've still got to watch her, somehow something has clicked. My love of the library is restored. Sometimes I even find this:

Finally, it looks an awful lot like summer, guys! 

Bridge dancing

A few more...

Bath rules. 
Yes, #2 is about to be transgressed.

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