Friday, January 11, 2013

Four Months

Today is January 10. We've been parents to this amazing little boy for four wondrous months.

Peter had his four-month doctor's visit Monday. He bravely got his second round of shots while I held him, poor little guy. Dr. Niu says all looks good (except for a bit of eczema we're treating), and that we can start him on solid foods. Not that there's much "solid" about it, but last night was his first rice cereal. I think only slightly more went into him than went down his chin and into his bib. But it was a good start. (Pics to come, with future meals.)

His 4-month stats: Peter now measures 2'2"--only four feet to go before he catches up to Mom! He is 15lbs. That's a bit under 90th percentile for height, 50th for weight, and 75th for head circumference. The boy's growing some brains in there!

And that's been one of the coolest things of these recent weeks--seeing his little mind develop as he begins to engage with his surroundings and discover the world. Peter, we're so proud of you and we love you so much and can't wait for the great adventures of learning and exploring we have ahead of us!

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