Monday, December 10, 2012

Three Months

Well what an extraordinary three months. What an extraordinary boy.

Peter is growing and changing every day. He now smiles and babbles and regularly blows our minds. We love this little boy and so many little things about him. But since they are myriad and most would be difficult to explain, for this post I'll just stick to a few snapshots of his days and ways.

For one, he's now loving his Noah's ark mobile, the zebras being a little less scary than the lions.

 Peter has graduated to using no infant insert/head support in his carseat/carrier.

"Meh. Someone stole my head-rest."                     "Ooh--it's actually kind of nice without it. Hee hee!"        

 Rather than sucking a pacifier or his thumb, Peter has taken to chomping on his index finger. 

And here are his precious little hands:  

Peter continues to get better at tummy time, and tolerates it a little better now, though it still makes him cranky.

And finally, the Bumbo seat has been an exciting addition to our days. Peter loves being able to sit up and look all around (while--for those unfamiliar with it--not being able to go anywhere or fall over.) He sits in it to share a meal or a chat with mommy, and especially to watch me cook (while I talk to him and occasionally dance around to Christmas carols for his enjoyment.) He loves the looks of bright vegetables and the smells of red onion, herbal tea, various spices, and whatever else I've been letting him smell while I'm cooking.

Yep, he's a sweetie. 

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