Sunday, December 2, 2012

Peter Clips

One of my favorite developments is that our Peter is becoming a talker. He melts my heart with his little "AAAROOOs" and "GOOOAAAHHs," especially when he talks in response to my voice and we have our little exchanges. But we still have very little footage to prove this. This is in part because I usually don't think to record until the moment has passed, and in part because Peter is his Daddy's son and doesn't prefer to babble in the spotlight. Seriously. And as soon as I close the camera, and its just the two of us again, he grins tells me all about it.

So I've yet to capture a good sample, but here are a couple links to little clips of him from the last couple days, with a few little boy sounds--and a bunch of hiccups.

Dec 1--Smiles and Coos

Nov 30--Christmas Greetings and Hiccups

1 comment:

  1. Peter is getting SO big! And incredibly adorable!! :) I hope we'll be able to see him soon! Ellie says, "Hi, baby Peter!"
