Christmas coming. This was a year of many new traditions (with a few keepers from last year). For one, we decided that we really are real-tree people. We left our fake one in storage this year and, since it was a last-minute christmas tree decorating day decision, headed to Home Depot for our tree and it's trappings.
Here's the lucky tree
Here's the lucky tree
Our glorious green door
Christmas door models
Spotted: Having stripped and changed into a stolen shirt, she brings the little chair from the kitchen so to enjoy a proper meal at her dining table.
Merry Scientists at the MedI Holiday Party
Peter complained that the dust buster wasn't working very well. On further examination, the suction might have been affected by a couple long satin ribbons wadded up in the nose and held there by a nativity sheep snug in the inner trap door.
I may have relieved Peter of his dust buster duties...but not for long. Who wants to turn down a willing crumb sucker-upper?
Where did that tiny sheep come from, you ask? Here's introducing a new addition to our household:
So, it took some looking (finally and mainly eBay-ing) to find the right nativity set. We were ready for one a little more grown up than the fisher price nativity characters, but not ready for breakable. Many considerations, but the most complicating factor to my search was my strong preference that the characters' appearance be racially plausible. In my naïveté, I was shocked at my difficulty finding characters that look like they belong in first century Palestine. I sifted through hundreds of white characters--usually, the holier, the whiter: Mary, Jesus, and the angel. Typically with one token dark-skinned wise man. Maybe this isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and this is not rant against blond nativities. Or it's not meant to be. But I'm just saying...In this year where my children are absorbing like sponges all sorts of foundational truths about the incarnation, the world, and the heart of God for his people, the nations, this little bit of truth-telling represented in these little rubber black-bearded guys was to me worth the search.
Speaking of blondies, here's my little gift-wrapping elf helping me wrap a couple white elephant gifts.
Who wouldn't pick this one?
Care group Christmas potluck: Love these guys...and their delicious food!
My girls (Miss you, Pam!)
Cookie time!!!
I guess I don't have any pics from the delivery, but this year both kids joined me in bringing a little bit of Christmas sugar to the neighbors. One of my favorite Christmas things.
Our most frequent family dining is a nearby Pakistani place. The kids were most excited to bring their Christmas card to Mr. Khalid and Mr. Awais. And to devour the naan, as always.
The Winter Lights drive through at Seneca Creek State Park.
But they were a tough audience.
This was the first year we had a real advent calendar. We got a bit behind, and then had a marathon catch-up session which actually worked great because, with each drawer opened (Anna had red; Peter blue) we read a piece of the story of how our God chose to break in and dwell among us.
I think my favorite thing about our Christmas season was reading books and talking with the kids about Christmas. This is the first time that they both are more or less tracking with the stories, and the God, behind the holiday. The presents loomed large, of course, but behind it they understand that we give gifts to celebrate the greatest gift, God's gift of himself to his people, his "secret rescue plan" to send a baby to rescue the world.
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