Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Giving Thanks

So begins my little end-of-the-year round-up. The holidays! New beginnings! So much to be grateful for!  And so we begin with....


Here with our thankfulness tree, a new addition to our home which the kids helped me paint. Every day each of us wrote something we're thankful for on a leaf and stuck it on. The leaves ranged from "Jesus" to "the ottoman." 

We headed south for Thanksgiving

Hello, Orange. 

We spent Thanksgiving Day with Grandaddy, Oma, and Aunt Gege. Here, having fun with Grandaddy and his toys.

He was happier than he looks

Grandaddy and Oma have some perfect leaves

That Saturday, we shared Thanksgiving with Nana and Daideo, The Trabandts (3 generations of them), Pop-Pop, and lots of our dear cousins, 2nd cousins, once-removeds, etc

The Girls

No seatbelts needed. 

Anna gets a turn being the big one

Peter gets to drive

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was a chance to catch up with my Aunt Peggy and my cousins Brian and Bonnie (and her husband Andy, and Luke and Katie) Here are the kiddos. 

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