Our spread-out Christmas continues. Back on the East Coast, and a little jet lagged, the kids opened a few presents from their parents on New Year's Eve.
Somehow, they still haven't lost their eager anticipation:
The rug above was a major score for Anna. She'd spied it in HomeGoods a month earlier and:
It now lives on the floor in front of her crib, and she is always campaigning to receive her diaper changes on it.
More Christmas present memories
Another favorite. I found this house for a few bucks at the TotSwap in great shape and my nostalgia sealed the deal.
Da gets a graham cracker.
January 2, 2016. Christmas with Nana, Daideo, and the Trabandts.
The little girls; the big girls.
Nana's special present
These girls
The brown-eyed club
Bye, bye Nana and Daideo!
Back on the homefront and enjoying the last of Christmas Vacation
2 of my [more concerning? funniest?] candids from those days :
And this, I think, I took when I looked over and thought this bit of the island-turned-kitchen counter seemed rather representative of our life these days. Years from now, we'll see if I can still recall the significance of everything here, like little sneaker with super-glue drying on the front lip of it's sole, Peter's cactus fruit, the kid's first water colors, miscellaneous toy batteries--are they new or used?, baby barrettes, clementine box destined to be a doll bed, yet another Christmas card that came for Nikki De La Rosa...aah, this life.
Pet shop trip
Semi-distracted storytime at the Mercados
And here, folks, is our FINAL Christmas Morning: With Grandaddy and Oma
January 9, 2016
Baby and stroller for Anna...
...and train tracks for Peter
Here are Grandaddy and Oma persevering in track design.
They also came bearing other generous and captivating gifts from Orange:
Thank you, Uncle Kevin and Bridgette!
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