Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Fall in Pictures, Part 2

In which we continue our little photo recap of the Fall.  

So, Fall fell.

These from a sweet fall day on the playground .

October 16, 2014--Anna at 4 months

Halloween. We didn't trick-or-treat, or even hand out candy. We were traveling that night. But Anna was determined to wear the giraffe costume she'd borrowed from Cousin Siena. The only "dress-up" outfit we had for Peter was this one brought back from India by a friend of a friend. So we dressed up a little early. 

Here's Anna trying on hats for the Montpelier Races

And a good thing, for the races were COLD this year! But fun! 

That's about all the pics we took, save this one, all the cousins back at Nana & Daideo's house all toasty warm again. 

Back in G'burg. Here, Peter bathes BrownDog. 

Here, he helps me make cookies. 

Here, I look over and he informs me that he is going pee pee. 

Here's charming Anna-girl, as Peter has taken to calling her. 
Being visited/delivered after a nap, and sitting in a warm bath. These are a few of her favorite things. 

Impromptu photo shoot of these two. I did several this fall in hopes of landing the perfect shot. I guess I really got tons of perfect shots, in the sense that these kiddos are perfect gifts to our imperfect family and snapshots, "perfect" or not, just reflect the perfectly imperfect life God has blessed us with.  So anyway, here are my little loves:

The direction most moments like this quickly goes. Anna will snuggle/grab/slobber him right off the chair. 

Here's my sweet fish-loving boy. We always visit the fish (and lobsters, and crabs) at H-Mart. On this occasion, we had done so, but as we were leaving he begged me to go back to say bye-bye to the fish.  As you see:

Probably the last warm day of fall. We took a walk and got to hang with some dear friends. 
Here are the boyz. Graham, Hank, Peter. How they grow. 

And speaking of visits, Nana brought Siena up on one of her babysitting days! 

Anna was quite excited to have her big girl cousin here. 

In closing, one more favorite:

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