Monday, June 23, 2014

Anna's First Week

Anna Frances Martin
Born Monday June 16, 2014, 7:34am
6lbs, 9oz; 20 inches long

Our sweet girl was born after a furious and quick labor. Mommy arrived at the hospital ready to push. 
In God's kindness, her very unusual "facial presentation" (coming out face--rather than crown--first) resulted only in a bruised and swollen face, and not an emergency c-section.
She was alert and healthy and snuggled with her Mama just seconds after her delivery. 

Peter meets his sister

Hospital bed pics

Learning to burp and helping Daddy send vector designs to his team. 

 Meeting her grandparents

 The girl cousins

Daddy and his girl

Wearing Grandma's hat, and otherwise just looking cute

Heading home


Sleepy Pics

Friday was Anna's first visit to Dr. Niu for her checkup. 

Friday was also Anna's first bath at home. A little out of her comfort zone.

Saturday, Uncle Scott, Aunt Anne, and Cousin Siena came to visit

Sleeepy girl after breakfast

Birthday Pics

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