Thirty-five people, 16 of them kids, in our little townhouse (thank God for a beautiful day and a park just behind our house!) It was wonderful chaos.
The shy (and teething :/ ) birthday boy was a little overwhelmed by all the love, and clung to Mommy most of the time. Toward the end, though, he was closer to his normal babbling, playful self.
Dear guests, spread out all over the estate.
Lydia, happy with her pizza crusts
Cranky Peter with Uncle Scott
Peter's beautiful Aunt Anne (and little cousin, 2 weeks from her due date!) and Nana
The Cake Eating:
(held this pose for several minutes, with just his little jaw working)
Finger puppets and clappy crocodiles!
Squinty smiley friends in the bright sunlight
When Peter finally came out of his shell, thankfully there was one peer left. A little more his speed. So he and Toby made some noise
and fought over Toby's shoes
Birthday presents from the grandparents. Among other things, a height measuring chart from Grandaddy and Oma, to help us keep up.
From Nana and Grandpa Sean: An enthralling pack of velcro command strips.
The end. We celebrated the gift of our boy, which was a great excuse to get a bunch of dear friends together and eat pizza, cake, and ice cream. God has been so kind to us; we are truly the richest people we know.
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