Ten Months of this beautiful, sweet, rowdy little boy.
For Posterity: At 10 Months, he is army-crawling and cruising with the help of furniture or push-walkers or an obliging finger or two. Our house is beginning its baby-proofing transformation. Peter has two teeth coming in, and his haircut from last month is already starting to grow out. He murmers and rambles and declares, "maahgloo!" and "yerrglish gish." He eats pretty much everything we give him, but really loves peanut butter and banana, baked sweet potatoes, Beechnut macaroni&beef, cheerios, and just about any veggies seasoned with garlic and herbs. Peter loves his new radio flyer wagon, electronics (esp. mommy's laptop), paper, water, and Leuka. His favorite single toy is the garden hose, and he has a passionate love/hate relationship with the vacuum.
Here's Peter creeping into the closet to explore, and Leuka taunting him.
Trying out his new shirt from Grandaddy and Oma.
Facing off with the beast:
Helping Daddy finish his dinner
Doing the cheerio thing
Happy Ten Months, Little Love! We can't believe what a little boy you're becoming.
We love you so much and we love our life with you. We thank God for the gift of these ten amazing, life-rearranging, heart-growing months.
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