Monday, May 20, 2013

Peter's Been Doing...

This boy is a menace in his walker. 

When he's not trying to steal fruit, he is chasing the cat, chasing me and maniacally running over my feet, stealing the dish towels, and anything else he can get his hands on, and that's just the kitchen. We are teaching him, "No," and the kitchen is probably the biggest classroom for that word. Here's some footage:

Charging for the iPhone:

Stealing a tomato

He did actually eat one the other day. I heard a squish and he had stuck his thumb in and was prying it open and smushing and slurping it. So I took it, mashed it a bit, and gave it back to him. Voila, his first tomato. 

Here's a little stop-action sequence of Peter accosting poor Leu. She has learned to flee.

Giving a morning yawp; toting away the hand towel.

In other news:

Feeding himself cheerios and puffs. 

I must put him out of the kitchen to use the dishwasher. Since the bottom of his walker can go under the door, he can roll right into it and help himself. The silverware is the favorite. 
This other shot demonstrates Peter's propensity of late to lunge and reach. He's strong, quick, and heavy, and one must be on guard at all times, as he has no fear of the consequences.

On a more idyllic note:

With his fire truck

 All's well and good when he's sitting up, but he's not mobile yet, and sometimes cruel Mommy uses the fire truck as bait to help him practice. 

Frustration, thy name is gravity.

One of our daily rituals is that Peter is plopped down in the grass while I water the veggie springlings. He watches (especially enamored with the hose) and plucks the grass and sometimes gets to play with the hose. But once in a while we bring our yard towel and some toys in the big shiny bowl and have a little outdoor play time. Hooray for spring!

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