Monday, October 8, 2012

To Daddy at Work:

Dear Daddy, we miss you now that you've gone back to work, but we're glad you're back doing cool science experiments to the glory of God, and working hard to support our family. Back home on the ranch, Mommy and I have had an exciting day so far. Since I'm already four whole weeks old, I'll update you myself.  First, I stayed asleep for a while after you left, and Mommy raced around getting as much housework done as possible before I woke up.

 When I did, I was in a great mood, and melted Mommy's heart with some bold new coos and ahs I practiced for her: 

I then ate for a while, during which I had one of those explosive poops (This may be TMI, but it's just between us, right?) And when mommy had just finished cleaning me up and was putting a new diaper on me, I did it again--HAH! She barely got the diaper on in time. So she just let me lie there for a few minutes to work things out. (Notice the hastily fastened diaper...and my fine 4-week-old physique!):

Afterward, since I was feeling so refreshed and content after that nice long nap, I just hung out and helped Mommy in the kitchen. First we did some dishes, and then some BAKING! All while singing and having deep conversations.

Daddy, SURPRISE--we made you blackberry bran muffins!

Truth be told, toward the end of the baking, I was getting a bit antsy, so Mommy loaded me into the baby bjorn, where I was quite happy as long as she kept moving. 

You should have seen her spooning muffin batter into the tin while trying to see over my head, and swaying/stepping/dancing all the while. It was a blast! And since I was now all mellow again, while the muffins baked, we took a quick walk down the block to deliver that mail that mistakenly came to our house. It was all cool and fall-ish outside. Mommy should have taken a picture of the leaves. When we got home and the muffins came out, we quickly did some laundry and a few other things that didn't require bending over, and which I slept through, until time ran out and I informed Mommy that it was time to eat. I was sooo sleepy after that, yet somehow it took her 3 tries to put me down for a nap...which is where I am now. 

We miss you, Daddy! Come home soon!


  1. That sounds like a GREAT first day without Daddy! May you have any more that peaceful and productive!

    1. It was! However, I'm pretty sure it will prove the exception. Yesterday was a bit more challenging, and I got next to nothing done besides caring for Peter. But I guess that's the most important thing I need to be doing anyway :)
