Friday, October 28, 2016

A few more notes

The story on this pic: I'd gotten the kids down for their naps, after couple false starts apparently, and came back downstairs to this glorious scene. Letters and numbers, puzzles and crayons and mini excavators and play-doh and memory verses and apples and milk-carton caterpillars. Temporarily usurped during these oh-so-precious quiet minutes by big books and the book as I seize my one chance to prepare for my turn to lead the Bible study in the dark hours of the next morning. I had to smile at this harmonious disarray, how these parts all go together. Not a thing out of place. Richness pressing into richness. 


It was a boat sailing to India. Then it was a bubble bath. 

 On a walk, charging the yard of the first really red tree of the neighborhood.

 The Fort

Blue eyes in green grass

Kind of a last hurrah for the summer. The kids followed me out back and in a moment were rolling around in the grass like so. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October Miscellanea

This shot was from way back with the knee surgery. Somehow, I needed to not let it get away. Not sure why, except that it's my sweet little PBS Kids zombies keeping me company while I'm icing my knee. I guess I looked over and thought how cute they are and how much I love them. 

Speaking of cute, here's my little arteeest painting her very hungry caterpillar. 

 Many thanks to the Srinaths for bequeathing this puzzle to us. I think all 5 were done in about 8 seconds flat. And then he found some pants. 

My two (yes, two) children so helpfully encamping on my laundry folding table. 

I think this was taken on my birthday? A little cold and dreary, but fun with friends.

Forfeiting Peter; gaining Grayson. And some smiles.

With all that flies around and around and around and around my kitchen and dining room, I'm amazed the floor isn't worn down yet.

Zuni :)

PreSchool Field Trip!

What a difference a year makes! Both kids were letting the goats eat out of their hands this time around. Here they are with our buddy Hank.

At the honeybee presentation. 
Just noticed above: Anna is wearing Gabriella's (far-left) hand-me-down jacket, and Grayson is wearing Peter's. So thankful for clothes-swapping! 

Hay Ride!

Pumpkin picking

And later that evening popping the dry corn we picked

Our fall harvest continued with apples on another lovely sunny fall day with a few friends at Butler's Orchard.

No apple is safe.

My pumpkin runners

The 2-yr-old girls conference

Friday, October 21, 2016

Visitors from the Northwest--or--Happy Cousin Reunion

Our beloved Trabandts came for a visit! Here Peter and Anna introduce Siena to the joys of being smushed in the door, a favorite activity. 

The big girls

The little girls

The next day, we met up at Great Falls for some adventuring

Trying to get a boy to smile...

Hahaha. Almost... She's good.