Thursday, October 16, 2014

Don't We Shoot Videos Anymore?

So some have asked. We do, here and there. Taking the time to do anything with them is another matter. So since I was laid up with back issues last week, I finally had a chance to upload a few.

This one is a couple months old, a merge of a few clips of our sweet silly son:

And here's our girl murmuring:

And here are both of my little loves on Peter's floor:

Monday, October 13, 2014

Anna's 4-Month Checkup

Big day. All healthy, took her shots like a champ, and she's officially a little bit tall. 

 ...while her big brother entertains himself.

Monday, October 6, 2014

To Peter Clay Martin on his 2nd Birthday [a few weeks ago]

Written September 9, the night before Peter's birthday. 

Two years have flown by. And the Lord has been growing this extraordinary little boy. 

Oh, beautiful boy. How I love you. What a gift you are. 

You are sweet and sensitive; you are rambunctious and loud and strong. You love to climb and explore, to build and read and draw, to giggle and snuggle. 

Your favorite books are The Seven Silly Eaters, Green Eggs and Ham, Peter Rabbit, and Winnie the Pooh. And of course The Jesus Storybook Bible. Lately, you are particularly taken with Saul and his horse. You talk about them and call your brown horse, "Saul Hoss." Some favorite toys are your school bus with the little people, your blocks, your trash truck, HopHop and RahRah. 

You are talking so much, using many words in combination and saying some simple sentences, "Mommy take book." You love to quote your books. You know colors, numbers (1-10?), and most if not all letters. Your legs are perpetually covered with scratches and bruises and mosquito bites. 

You love your Daddy so much. You run to the window when I see him pull up. You wave and knock, and then run, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" to the gate at the top of the stairs as he comes in. You cling to him and greet him with, "Daddy, play!" You love your little sister and are learning to be gentle with her. You like to touch her head and give her kisses. You stand over her and say, "Hhhhhi, Anna!" She loves watching you. 

On this the eve of your 2nd birthday, Peter Clay, I want you to know much I love you. Though we have some rough moments and days, though sometimes you seem to consume every ounce of my attention and energy, I am so very very grateful to be your Mommy. I was holding you today when you crawled into my lap for a hug, and I had this momentary sense that I was holding, in your little body, a grown son ready to head out into the world. The thought fills me with awe--and fear--that God is growing you into the man you will become right before my very eyes, that this fierce love I have for you will see seasons of letting go, entrusting you to Him, that I have this extraordinary privilege and calling to shape you and steward well this priceless treasure that is your childhood before sending you out, firing you like an arrow into whatever mission field God has prepared for you. [Yes, tears stream down my face as I write.] But for now, I am so happy to have you here with me, enriching my days and melting my heart. 

I love you, my sweet son. 
Your Mommy