Sunday, April 27, 2014

Stacking Photostrip

The focus; the feat

exulting in victory...but can't turn down a challenge

hopeful...........not so sure...


Friday, April 25, 2014

Lunch with Wowo

Just wanted to share this little moment from our day today that sweetened me to tears and honors my dear grandmother and mentor and friend Frances Todd (Wowo) who went to be with Jesus three years ago this month. 

Peter was eating lunch today when he looked up to a nearby bookcase, pointed to this picture, and said "Wowo!" He wouldn't stop beckoning to the picture, reaching for it, and saying her name. I brought her over so he could see her close; with a big grin, he offered her some tofu.  I told him about her as I have before--what a wonderful lady she was. What she meant to me. How much she would have loved him. He wouldn't let her return to the shelf.  So she joined us for lunch. 

Peter so badly wanted to hold the picture, but I explained that he'd have to wait until his hands were clean. Lunch got finished real fast, and soon he was holding her adoringly. 

This one was clicked the very moment he was saying, "Hhhhiiiii!" to Wowo.  Melted me.

I'm not sure what inspired Peter's devotion to Wowo, whom he's never met, but it somehow made perfect sense. I can imagine what great friends they would be, what a connection they'd share. How she'd make him howl with laughter and inspire his little imagination and let him put "hats" on her head and play with funny beads on her bracelet. I pray that someday our boy will be with his Lord Jesus, and will have the joy of meeting Frances Lee Lonergan Reynolds Todd and rejoicing with her in the wonders of God. But for now, I just wanted to capture this sweet strange interaction for posterity, and for my family who knew and loved her. 

Easter 2014

Well, this Easter I meant to take some pictures. Of our boy in his Easter finest. Perhaps of him sitting on Daddy's lap reading the Resurrection story in his beloved Jesus Storybook Bible. Of the beautiful spring day the Lord gave us. I meant to ask someone at church to take a family portrait for us. I should have suggested we take a shot of our dear gathering of folks for Easter Dinner. But I did none of that. I'll console myself by saying that I was too busy enjoying all those things to pause and try to capture them, which is true. But here's what was on my iPhone at the end of the day: 

1. Little boy discovering a basket of (empty) colored "EHZZSS!!!"

[Later that day, after celebrating the Resurrection with our church family, we had our traditional Easter Dinner chez Nalle, with the Nalles and Wilcoxes. An utterly delightful and delicious time. ]

2. Peter had a ball with the stock of trucks and new toys. And especially his friend Graham. 

3. Giggles while goofing around with Don:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Glimpses of our Baby Girl

We had our 32 week ultrasound today. Not a ton of clear face shots, as she had her left foot firmly fixed in front of it. I am a little ambivalent about 3d baby pics. They are realistic, yet warped; show those precious facial features, yet may or may not represent the real face of our child. Just makes me all the more eager to see and hold and snuggle the real thing. But for now, here's what we got today:

Sweet little profile

3D image, a little warped:

Left foot and face
(No, she's not actually missing any toes)

Open mouth, already trying to eat. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

Beach Day

Tons of pics to share from our wonderful trip to sunny California. 
Here are some from Peter's first day spent at the beach (near Grandpa's house). 
The day was warm and glorious, though the April water was a little chilly.

Checking out the surf:

Ready for the wave..........................weeeeee!

Getting bolder:

Peter LOVED the sand--scooping, dumping, carrying and tossing. 
Here he is helping with Uncle Steve's sand castle.

Cheering on the waves:

Love these two! And I loved seeing this boy enjoying the very place his daddy played as a little boy. 

Like many of Peter's favorite things (the shop vac, garage door, power tools, etc), he was wary at first of the waves rushing toward him and overtaking his feet, but he couldn't keep away. 

By the end, he kept dragging us in to get a piece of the next big wave.