Sunday, April 28, 2013

Our First DC Trip

Friday was a very special day. We Martins have an tradition, an annual trip to DC for the Smithsonian Arts and Crafts Festival to see some great art and eat some good food along the way. The last 2 years, my mom has joined us as well. And this year, there was one more participant.

So here are some shots from Peter's first trip to our nation's capitol:

At the Shady Grove Metro, about to embark on our adventure.

Peter and Daddy

 Peter didn't like the idea of having to wear a seatbelt when no one else did, and preferred to ride on my lap most of the way to DC. He loved seeing the world whiz by out the windows, and the lady a few rows back who kept making silly faces at him. 

 Here we are in Judiciary Square, in front of the National Building Museum, where the show is held. Peter encountered the lion who oversees all the names, etched in the stone wall, of the brave police officers who have died in the line of duty. There was something moving about having our little boy there, this little life so new to the world, engulfed in the memorial of 19,000 men and women who lived and died as they did. 

I have no pictures of Peter in the show. Partly an oversight, partly because of an unexpected snag in the plan: Strollers were not allowed in the show. Bummer. They did offer baby backpacks in the show office, but since my whole plan for the day hinged on Peter being able to take a long nap in his stroller during the show, so much for my plans. I wore him in the baby backpack until he started his sleepy squawking so loud that he had everyone's attention. Then Peter and I got the stroller back and took a walk. He fell asleep a few minutes into Chinatown, and I had a nice walk in the lovely DC springtime.

Peter slept for a while, even after I brought him back to the show and left him with his Nana while Tom and I walked around the show. After the show, with Peter now well-rested, we had some great sandwiches at Taylors', where Peter watched passersby, talked and giggled, had dinner, and practiced his clapping with Nana. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

PNP 4-24-13

Because I have lots of pictures and little time to post, here's checking in with another PNP--that's post-nap photoshoot--from yesterday.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Peter's First the Walker

Five minutes of footage of Peter banging around in the kitchen trying to use his new walker and talking to Leuka. On Leuka: Peter is forever reaching out to our wary old cat, but when he finally gets near enough to touch her, he tends to lose big points. Like the first time she offered the hand-sniff of friendship and he inadvertently whacked her in the nose with the hard toy he was holding (she fled and avoided him for a while thereafter).  He pretty much runs her over at the end of this video when he [spoiler alert] finally gets the walker over to her.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Seven Month Pictures

The closest thing yet to getting official portraits for Peter. Most people do a 6-month portrait; I failed to. (Not that there's any lack of informal iPhone shots of him). But here are a bunch of samples from his photo shoot at 7 months. It was also one of his first times in grass. He wasn't too sure about it, hence the lovely towel, and later the distress at being without it. But it was all good in the end. 

Red-eyed funny sleepy face:

DAAHHGH! Are you just going to leave me in this stuff??

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Seven-Month-Old Looks Like...


and this.
Classic Peter--always chewing on straps and waking up from naps in a silly mood. 

Watching Daddy tear down a wall in the bedroom (more on that later)...and pleased with himself after a [very slightly successful] attempt to feed himself his eggs.

Playing in the kitchen while Mommy cooks dinner

 And just a few minutes ago, still not sure about the grass.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Mother's Prayer

I love the songs of Keith and Kristyn GettyIrish singers/musicians/song writers, and this one has been particularly sweet to me this motherly year of my life. Kristyn wrote this song, a prayer, for their baby daughter Eliza. One evening in Florida last June, when the Gettys were there leading the times of worship at the Gospel Coalition National Women's Conference, Kristyn sang this song and I sat there, my belly seven months full of my own little son and my eyes running over.  I have prayed things like these since before Peter was even conceived, and mean to bathe this boy in prayer until I'm gone to the Savior Himself. 

"A Mother's Prayer" was released this Fall on the Gettys' latest album, Hymns for the Christian Life.  Here it is, though without the beautiful melody and the Gaelic lullaby that is the song's bridge. I've held and rocked Peter while singing it so many times now. 

Before you close your eyes to sleep
I have a promise still to keep
As I hold you in my arms
I pray your little frame grows strong
And that faith takes hold while you are young
This is my prayer for you 

Hold my hand, I'll teach you the way to go
Through the joys, through the years
The journey of these years
May you trust Him till the end
May you trust Him in the end

This world is not as it should be
But the Savior opens eyes to see
All that's beautiful and true
Oh may His light fill all you are
And the jewel of wisdom crown your heart
This is my prayer for you

Hold my hand, I'll teach you the way to go
Through the joys, through the tears
The journey of these years
He is with us till the end
He is faithful till the end

You'll travel where my arms won't reach
As the road will rise and lead your feet
On a journey of your own
May my mistakes not hinder you
But His grace remain and guide you through
This is my prayer for you

Take His hand, and go where He calls you to
And whatever comes, seek Him
With all your heart
This will be my prayer for you

Father hear my ceaseless prayer
Oh keep [him] in your care

Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, and Ed Cash; © 2012 Gettymusic and Alletrop Music (BMI) (adm. by

Thursday, April 4, 2013

One more

Here's one more some of you have seen. It's a 7.5 minute edit of a fairly representative 15 minutes in the life of Peter, shot last week. Viewer discretion is advised; this video includes a bludgeoning of some friendly flowers and a couple good face-plants. No pun intended. By me, at least. I won't speak for the flowers.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Clips of Play

Two little clips, about a minute and a half each, to share a view of our playful little boy.

In this one, Peter is playing with the "V-Tech, Sit-to-Stand Learning Walker." I'm sure it must have a better name that I've forgotten. One particular bit I love: at one point while shooting, Tom comes home from an errand and sneaks in but Peter catches a glimpse and gives a couple big smiles in his direction.

This one is just a bunch of silliness and giggles with the new singing flowers (Thanks, Aunt Naomi and Uncle Blackie!)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Pics

Happy Easter!
I reeeeeally meant to get a Martin family picture taken on Easter. But, alas, it didn't happen. Some time soon, hopefully. But I did get my two favorite men in their easter finest:

And here's Peter at his first Easter dinner. He had oatmeal. 

The rest of us had a feast of Easter deliciousness. 

Here with our dear friends, the Nalle and Wilcox families, with whom we've (and before that, I've) shared many an Easter dinner.