Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Saying Goodbye to the "Srinaths"

In late October we said 'goodbye' to our friends (for my kids, lifelong friends) as they made the move up to Connecticut. 

These guys were buddies from infancy. Here, after a baby swim class.

Now look at them:

Here's another good one (Ninnu stealing Peter's truck):

 Fall 2015

Feb 2017

May 2015, Anna with Thatha. After his last visit in October 2015, he was in a terrible car accident back home in Chennai and, even after a miraculous survival and recovery, is no longer able to travel. We miss him, and the kids pray for him and occasionally send him and Sudha Patti letters and art. 

Anna and Anvika (9 months apart), winter 2015-16

I think these were taken the same day, Anvika's 1st B'day Party

Summer 2016 (after some hosing and baby pool on the deck)

Love this one! Mini is such a great story-reader and she loves our little ones. 

July 4, 2014 (Anna was 2.5 weeks old)

Sunday, May 27, 2018

October Part 3

Sweet kid shots

....or maybe not so sweet; busted here in the act of creeping...somewhere

New bangles from India--thanks, Aunt Mini!

School Pajama Day!!!

Hitting up the library after school, PJ style

 Bubbles, while trying on borrowed overalls for her Halloween costume

Because her hair didn't already have enough bubbles in it...

 As the PJ school events continue...

Reading in a tent with Ms. Julie

Halloween approacheth at Medimmune


A little dry ice for fun...

I snuck into a secret tent picnic.

My voracious reader

Anna's Singing Day

Mateo, Anna, Grayson, Ginny Grace

Peter is into making masks lately

Peter decided to write an "Easy Reader" book for kids learning to read. This is the first page.
("The fish are swimming")

More art...

Target Starbucks, a stop for refreshment with my shopping buddy

How we love the library

Sometimes, though, the reading gets out of hand. 

...and he just can't put it down

This is the deconstruction of a certain iconic kitchen table where many wonderful meals were shared and little ones fed....

And I believe I texted this picture as its former owners were driving north to CT the next day.

More on that in the next post...